Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shut Down your computer in given time duration without any Software (ShutDown Timer)

I am going to explain who you can shutdown your computer using a simple DOS command in particular time span

Example: just Type shutdown -s -t 7200 -c "shutting down in 120 mins, please type 'shutdown -a' in a command prompt to cancel" -f in DOS promt or in RUN of Windowa

You have to mention time limt in seconds as I av mention 7200 sec in above example in above example .This command is helpful when we forget to shutdown when fell asleep while working with system during late night and when the system is unattended for long time,

That will shut down the comp in 120 minutes and force programs to close. You can also make a shortcut to the command prompt and have them on the desktop

If you want more commnad realated to Shutdown just type Shutdown/? in DOS command